Thursday, February 28, 2013

The future's so bright, I gotta wear shades

I am currently living in a disaster zone.  My life is boxed up and stacked in towering piles around my house.  I'm doing a lot of sideways walking and stepping over things.  The living room ottoman has been turned into a temporary dining room table.  If I've learned anything, it's that I could never survive as a hoarder.  Thankfully there is an end in sight.  In one week we get the keys to our new home!  The excitement over this new house has me constantly daydreaming. I'm beginning to wonder if my mind has a strong grasp on reality though...

My new house makes me think that:
-with this new kitchen I will suddenly gain a new passion for cooking...everyday
-my life will be filled with fun, successful DIY projects
-I will have money, time, and skill for said DIY projects
-my house will always be clean, organized and well decorated
-everyday will be a warm, sunshining day
-the kids will always be joyfully running through the house
-my son will miraculously want to start riding his bike
-I will begin drinking coffee and watching the sunrise on the front porch
-when my sister moves close to me we will hang out by the pool while the kids play in the yard

Who's to say what reality will bring :)


  1. I hope your new home brings more of these good things to your life. But let's not be too ambitious with cooking...I mean, every day? No way!

    1. Well perhaps I am being too optimistic, Heather, but I will have a dishwasher now, and dirty dishes are half the battle! ;)
