Sunday, February 24, 2013

Starting on a new course...

As I was looking back at my previous blog posts, I realized that it has been a year since I last posted!  Many things have happened in the last year.  I turned 30.  I celebrated my one-year wedding anniversary.  I worked hard in grad school last summer and have nearly completed my masters.  I did some traveling with my family.  I started my sixth year as a kindergarten teacher.  I had a beautiful baby girl.  I bought a house.  This last year has been good to me.  It's all of these wonderful things that have kept me busy and away from the blog world.  When we found our new home, a friend of mine encouraged me to get back to blogging.  I think I will give it a try!  Hopefully my life and projects will inspire my writing, rather than keep me from it. :)

Starting on a new course...
My family and I are more than excited to be moving into a new home.  We close on March 8th- just two weeks away!!!  Luckily the following week is spring break, which gives us a great opportunity to move and unpack (I currently have a GIANT wall of packed boxes in my living room).  The funny thing is that we weren't planning on moving until May, when our lease ran out.  We just started house shopping early, thinking it would take some time to find the right place.  This house, the one we are moving into in just two short weeks, is the ONLY house that we even looked at!  Now, I started this house shopping business telling myself that I would absolutely NOT be able to find a house that has EVERYTHING on my wish list.  I would be content with just a few of the more important things- like a dishwasher.  Somehow this one house has exceeded my expectations.  This is the house that I could live in for the rest of my life.  This is the house that my family and I can grow and stay happy in for years to come.
The nice thing about this house is that it was purchased and "flipped" before being sold to us.  All of the tedious, time-consuming, expensive, hard work was done for us.  It's like a blank canvas that can be turned into our own personal work of art.  My husband and I are now full of dreams and ideas for this home (which caused my Pinterest board to explode!) So, my goal is to share these ideas and projects here on my blog.  Some of the ideas are big, and will take years to complete, like building a two-stall garage with a workshop and an art studio.  Some of the ideas are smaller and seemingly insignificant, like organizing the mudroom closet.  However, all of the ideas have gotten me so excited that I can't wait to start checking things off of our list!

Our list (in no particular order):
* Put siding on the house (keep the blue-gray color)
*Build a two-stall garage with a workshop and art studio
*Build a collection of power tools and other workshop necessities
*Pave the gravel driveway
*Fence in the backyard
*Get a basketball hoop
*Get a pool with a deck
*Get a swing set and possibly build a fort
*Get a shed and build a collection of tools and supplies for yard work
*Finish the basement and turn it into a "theater room"
*Turn one extra room in the basement into a toy room, and the other into a craft room
*Redo and clean-up the basement bathroom (new floor, toilet, shower, etc.)
*Build really awesome storage cabinets under the stairs
*Put french doors somewhere in the house (separating the theater room and the craft room, maybe?)
*Reuse an old door somewhere in the house (swinging door from kitchen into mud room, perhaps?)
*Create organization and purpose in the mudroom
*Do something to the kitchen cabinets....still thinking on that one
*Organize the kitchen cabinets like never before
*Buy an island to create more storage and counter space in the kitchen
*Buy a dining room table that can seat at least six people
*Turn the sun room into a small office/play room
*Turn the front porch into a welcoming and efficient space
*Buy patio furniture and a grill for the deck, and hang twinkling lights out there for evenings on the deck
*Create a gallery wall of family photos, kids' artwork and other things from our life
*Garden someday (probably mostly vegetables), and maybe keep a compost heap 
*Decorate a bedroom for my new baby girl

You are probably thinking, "Whoa.  That list is huge!"  I know it is.  But you know what?  I probably forgot some ideas, too!  This list will take YEARS to work through.  As my husband says, "this house will keep our marriage strong."  We have much to do and the rest of our lives to do it.  I can't wait to begin living in a place where I can create my own world with my own hands.

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